Eric Foster - Instrumental Tutor

Grade exams offered

In person exams

On-line exams

One to one lessons

In person and

On-line lessons

Performances forums

On-line showcases


Tel: (01263) 837656

Mob: 07901796102

ETFMusic Eric Foster Gallery On line studio Booking Lessons

Lessons On-Line

On line Lessons with the on-line studio  On-line Studio - Use with home webcam and studio link

In Person Exams

The ABRSM is holding exams in the normal way for practical Grades and these can be attended as the lockdown restrictions no longer apply

Use of home video conferencing  

On-line Exams Performance Grades from the ABRSM

These exams are new - brought in 2020  allow the student to perform the grade pieces + an extra piece in one recording session which is sent (securely on-line) to ABRSM examiners. Marks are awarded for the pieces on their own. The emphasis is on the performance given and hence the title of the exam awarded.

Different views of the teacher and instrument are available for the student to observe

Studio Camera

In addition to the live lesson presentations I usually provide practice session notes for between lessons

On line Recordings - from the teacherRecorded videosOn line Recordings - from the student for examsTop of pageTop of page
Book Lessons